Share Your Strategy with Everyone

We sometimes get protective about our strategy, like a cat we don’t want to let out of the bag.

When asked, “What’s new?” we answer with vague pleasantries rather than cutting to the quick of what’s on our mind.

This fear is misplaced because our understanding of whatever we are grappling with is 100x more granular than that of the person we’re talking to. We also have the people, brand, and momentum to take our strategy forward.

Instead, we should actively choose to share meaningfully with the people we meet. This leads to a genuine discussion at a strategic level, which:

  1. Deepens engagement and trust
  2. (If we listen closely) Allows the other person to share a story or insight that could catapult us to the next level of clarity.

This kind of deep, open conversation stays with someone. By talking at an honest, strategic level, we invite them to our side of the table. If the conversation is both engaging and memorable, they’ll keep thinking about to for weeks or more, becoming a powerful ally.

And, by telling a vivid enough story about our strategic dilemmas, we offer an opportunity for engagement, so people can dig through their own deep experience to find the perfect vignette with the diamond of wisdom just for us.

As Tom Peters said, “innovation comes only from readily and seamlessly sharing information rather than hoarding it.”

Telling our story well and sharing openly brings together more allies, horsepower, and willingness to take that story to new heights.

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